The Jewel of Seven Stars
by Bram Stoker, 1903
Pages: 142
Read time: 7.5 hrs*
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The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram StokerThe Jewel of Seven Stars is a horror novel by Irish writer Bram Stoker, first published by Heinemann in 1903. The story is a first-person narrative of a young man pulled into an archaeologist's plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy. It explores common fin de siècle themes such as imperialism, the rise of the New Woman and feminism, and societal progress. Prepublication issues toward a US edition were deposited for copyright by Doubleday, Page & Company in December 1902 and January 1903 but the first US edition was published by Harper & Brothers in 1904.... Learn more at Wikipedia ↗

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* Approximate time based on 89,825 words ÷ 200 words-per-minute average reading speed